
we aren’t the good guys; we aren’t the bad guys,

we’re the red guys

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The best in the business.

Renegade squadron is synonymous with PVP. No other organization to date has produced the quality and number of competitive combat pilots in the game’s history and will continue to do so. Renegade Squadron Guides are available for training and experienced members are available for hire in the Persistent Universe.

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a diverse community

military Renegade Squadrons military serves to protect and maintain our assets and way of life in the ‘verse.


Renegade Squadrons military serves to protect and maintain our assets and way of life in the ‘verse.

logistics Renegade Squadron is committed to a healthy in-org economy, making the best out of our most important assets and pilots.


Renegade Squadron is committed to a healthy in-org economy, making the best out of our most important assets and pilots.

exploration Renegade Squadron are experts in quantum navigation, finding and plotting secure, and efficient routes through multiple systems in the verse.


Renegade Squadron are experts in quantum navigation, finding and plotting secure, and efficient routes through multiple systems in the verse.

fleet Renegade Squadron is proud of every vessel under our command and will do everything we can to ensure each pilot can utilize their ship to it’s full potential.


Renegade Squadron is proud of every vessel under our command and will do everything we can to ensure each pilot can utilize their ship to it’s full potential.


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people first

People are the foundation of Renegade Squadron. Without dedicated, well-trained and knowledgeable members, we can’t be the best of the best. We take care of members and provide them the proper mentoring and guidance for their development.


own the fight

The success of Renegade is measured by our members, competent pilots that can communicate and coordinate as a cohesive unit. To achieve that success, we continue to hone our skills and optimize our teamwork both in space and on the ground. We will own the fight and, in short, be the best, the fastest, and the smartest squadron operating in Star Citizen.

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Renegade Squadron is first and foremost a team. We must work hard both as individuals and as a unit. Set your fellow members up for success, carrying your share of the load while providing forceful back-up across the chain of command.

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join renegade squadron today!

Renegade Squadron is always looking for new pilots to join our organization. Whether you’re brand new to the game, or an experienced pilot looking for a like-minded group of players, we’ve got a spot for you.

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mercenaries for hire

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private escort

20,000 - 40,000 uec (round trip)

The Renegade Squadron navy is a force to be reckoned with, dominating Arena Commander, and dictating the victors in the Persistent Universe.

With a fleet of elite pilots at our disposal we can guarantee safe transport of your goods across the verse, no matter the size of your vessel. Let us take care of your most important assets.



50,000 uec (per hour)

Renegade Squadron have a history of producing the top soldiers in Star Marine. Our commitment to excellence ensures that none are left standing on the battlefield.

By combining our prowess in Arena Commander, Star Marine, and conducting paramilitary operations and security for its clients we can ensure your assets are safe.



100,000 uec (per hour)

Renegade Squadron is the premiere PVP organization operating within Star Citizen, however PVP is not all we are known for. Be it mining, cargo hauling, or PVE, we aim to be the best.

Whatever you enjoy doing in Star Citizen, we will provide you with the necessary information, and guidance to ensure your success.